
Showing posts from September, 2015

Reminders September 28, 2015

- if students have not yet finished their short stories please have them finish them up at home. Reminders: Wednesday early dismissal 1250 Provincial Assessment Thursday and Friday (Grade 6 only) Fluoride Moth rinse consent forms should be returned ASAP Several students have not passed in their student fees (Only $10)

September 22nd, 2015

Reminders: School Dance Guest Passes must be back by Thursday morning! School Dance Thursday 630pm Please bring student fees ($10) School Based Inservice Friday Photo money past due...

Reminders September 21st, 2015

- If student have not finished their short story outline the should finish it off at home. Reminders: Grade 6 Provincial Assessment in October (See Handout sent home.) School Dance Thursday 630 Please bring student fees School Based Inservice Friday Bring in photo money

Internet Addiction - Technology Citizenship - IBL

Your Task: Please answer the following questions and submit to 1) What is an addiction? 2) Who is Dr. Kimberly Young? 3) How could you become addicted to the internet or your device? (List Three examples) 4) What would be some of the consequences of internet or device addiction? (List Three examples) 5) How can you prevent yourself or others from being addicted to the internet or your device? (List Three examples)

Ipad Distractions Assignment - Tech Bootcamp

Central Question? How can you make your iPad less distracting? Your Task: Using whatever app or means you would like please demonstrate your understanding of how to make your iPad less distracting. This should include tips on: Your home screen Your notifications And a routine to start your school day... Here is an example and a resource to help you with your work:

September 15, 2015

Please bring in the $10 student fee Remind students to bring iPads each day Terry Fox run this Friday! Please bring $2 to support this great cause.

September 11th 2015

Have a fantastic weekend! Reminders: Please return all forms given out on the first day of classes Remind students to bring iPads each day School Photos next Monday

September 9th 2015

The school year is off to a great start! Reminders: Parent teacher tomorrow night at 530pm Please return all forms given out on the first day of classes Remind students to bring iPads each day School Photos next Monday

9 Elements of Digital Citizenship Slide Show

Find the slide show here: