Career Cruising
HL—Internet Class
Part A Career Cruising (you must finish this today in class)
Go to the Internet and
log on to
using your school User Name and password:
The user name is cpahs, and the password is careers.
Click on the 'assessment' tab at the top of the page.
The user name is cpahs, and the password is careers.
Click on the 'assessment' tab at the top of the page.
1 Complete the 39n
questions in the first part of the survey in the Career Matchmaker
and a) copy the first 10 career choices given by the computer; b)
look over the 40 choices in the list and choose the 10 careers that
interest you most.
2. Return to the survey
and complete the second group of questions. The computer will now
present you with a second list of choices. You must a) copy the first
10 career choices of the new list given by the computer; b) look over
the 40 choices in this list and choose the 10 careers that interest
you most.
3. In the “Other
Options” section, go to the “choose a level of education” and
enter the highest level of education that you are willing to
complete. Look at the list of career choices again. Has it changed?
If so, how and why do you think that it has changed? Change the level
of education and see how that change affects your choices.
4. Now choose the two
careers that interest you the most. You need not limit yourself
to the choices in the four lists that you have prepared in parts 1
and 2. For each of these three careers prepare a report that includes
the following items: a description of the job, a description of the
working conditions, salary, education required, two institutions
where you can obtain that education and three jobs related to this
5. From the two reports
in part 4, choose two of the institutions where you can prepare
yourself for these careers and write a report about the education
necessary for the given career which include the high school courses
needed to enter the given program, the length of the program, the
required fees per year, two sources of financial aide available for
this program, and a general description of the institution.
Part B Financial
Calculator (Do this if you have time—it is fun!)
Go to the link to the
Mackenzie Financial Corporation.
- I want you to create three scenarios. For Scenario 1 use age sixteen, for Scenario 2 use age twenty-three, for Scenario 3 use age thirty. Use and “end age” of fifty-five. You can choose the other numbers but keep them the same for all three scenarios. Click “next” to get your results. Copy your Total Deposits, Growth, and Accumulated Value.
- What did you learn from the numbers?
- Plug in some other numbers to see how it will affect your Accumulated values. What does this tell you about investing?
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