
Outdoor Education: Fire building

  Part A)  Find three different effective and proven methods for starting a fire without a match. a) Using bullet points create a five step process to create each of the three different fire building techniques. b) Find and watch a Youtube video about each of these fire building techniques. c) List the fire building technique videos in your notes. Part B) Find five different ways to stack wood when starting a fire. a) Using bullet points create a five step process to create each of the three techniques. b) Find and watch a Youtube video about each of these fire building techniques. c) List the fire building technique videos in your notes. This article is a great place to start for part b) Part C) Find and and watch three videos on emergency shelter building.  List each video in your notes. Part D)  Print your notes and submit them to Ms. Gates by the end of class.  

NRCS Grade 5&6 Important Links

Google Classroom -  (Student work found here) Google Hangouts link:  (Video chat 11-12 each morning)  Mr. Sweetman's email:

Educational Game Links

Alien Addition: Addition 1 to 12 (Basic) Place Value Games: Basic King of Math (All Levels) Addition, Subtraction and more... Math Worm (All Levels) Grade One Sight Word Game: Other Site Word games: Sight Words Grade 3:

Industrial Arts Part 2 Shooting Stars!

Please follow this link:
Taking Mobile Video Tips and Techniques : Vimeo Video 101: Video 101: Shooting Basics Video 101: Editing Basics Examples and Inspiration: Example one: Example two:  Your assignments (Rubric to follow) Mr. Sweetman

Email Setup

Grade 5  Please click the link below: Grade 6 Please go here: Ednet to NSPES Conversion Steps 1.        Students should go to this link: 2.        Student will require:                                                          i.              Student Number (10 Digits):    You can get this from your teacher                           ...

Packing for an Overnight Hike

Part A)  1) Create a list of what you would need to take with you on a trip deep in the woods? Your list should have 10-20 items (Do this without research) 2)  Research a suggested list for an overnight hike deep into the woods.  Compare and contrast this researched list with your list.  List Similarities List differences Part B)  Find three different effective and proven methods for starting a fire without a match. a) Using bullet points create a five step process to create each of the three different fire building techniques. b) Find and watch a Youtube video about each of these fire building techniques. c) List the fire building technique videos in your notes.